This is a quilt I started for my Dad when he was sick to keep him warm during his chemo sessions. I got the fabric in Annie’s Haberdashery in Wexford town, which is sadly closing its doors tomorrow, but will be opening its online shop soon. Its called the camper van quilt as some of the fabric has volts wagon camper vans on it. This is the feature fabric that inspired the quilt! The rest of the fabric I picked up in Hickeys Home Focus. Its done using the quilt as you go method, which wasn’t as difficult as I thought.
Unfortunately things did not go as we thought and he died before I got to give it to him. I did get to give him the matching cushion though which he loved and showed off to the nurses! I gave the quilt to my Mam and it sits proudly on display on her sofa. Patchwork has been a very healing pastime for me and has helped me though a tough year so far. He would have loved it and showed it off to every camper he met. Love you Dad and miss you loads.