Landscape Watercolour Workshop With Kasper Zier



Watercolour course
Discover the top tips to achieving successful watercolour paintings with acclaimed artist Kasper Zier. In this course, Kasper will reveal his unique method for working with this medium, which includes instruction on mastering tonal values, the importance of connecting shapes, as well as comprehensive lessons on colour mixing, glazing, and dry brush techniques. By following Kasper’s expert guidance, students will gain the skills and knowledge needed to take their watercolour paintings to the next level. 


Date: 11th May

Time: 10:30 – 4:30




Kasper Zier (@kasperzier)

Kasper is an award winning watercolour artist living and working in Dublin and a  member of the Water Colour Society of Ireland.


The day will start with some light exercises where Kasper will demonstrate how to mix colours and the best way to make colour transitions in a wash.
After that we will get straight into painting a beautiful watercolour of the Irish landscape from a reference photo. The workshop will be based on a 3-part demonstration where Kasper will show his technique and after each part he will assist the students along the way.
The following will be covered during the workshop
– How to enhance atmospheric perspective in the landscape
– The importance of having a focal point in the painting.
– Suggestions where to paint more details and where to be more loose.
– Working with wet-into-wet and dry brush techniques to achieve different effects.
– The value of connecting shapes in the painting.
– Techniques to adjusting the final painting by lifting paint in certain areas
All of this and more will be delivered through demonstrations and personalised attention.


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